Small Group Leader FAQ’s
They’re asking me to lead a group, YIKES! The fear creeps in, sweaty palms, nerves rattling, and the thoughts come flooding in. You tell yourself, “I’m not a leader,” or you tell yourself the lie, “I can’t lead. I don’t know how.” Here is the good news, it’s not all that bad. Don’t believe the lies. There is more in YOU! You are more than capable to answer this call.
1. I’m not a Leader, am I?
John Maxwell says it best; “Leadership is influence.”
We all have influence with others. Don’t focus on the title or word “leader,” instead focus more on the role. Starting a group or gathering friends together to meet, go over questions and start doing life together.
2. Do I need to know the bible?
You don’t need to be a scholar with a degree in theology. No need for seminary, we won’t ask you to teach on a Sunday either. Just know the truth, understand God’s word and what Jesus did for you. Coaches will come alongside you to support and teach you every step of the way.
3. What if I’m not the teacher type?
Leading a group is more about facilitating. Facilitating conversations, asking questions, and allowing the group to communicate and share. All you need to do is facilitate, sometimes initiate, and keep conversation going.
4. I’m shy, what if I can’t be a people person?
Reminder, we are called to do life with others. Together! As you facilitate, it can simply be asking questions and directing the conversations. Through meeting, maybe there’s someone in your group who can partner with you to help lead others as well.
5. My schedule is crazy, what if I can’t commit?
The good news is, we’ve recently broken groups down to a ‘Quarter System.’ So now groups run for 5 weeks with a week or two off before kicking back into another 5 weeks. So it is a great way to get your hands in the mix and experience leading, but we challenge all leaders to keep an eye on who can also lead a group.
6. My life is a mess, what if I don’t have my life together like other people?
Read Hebrews 11 in the New Testament. After reading it, ask yourself; ‘Why can’t I be the one to lead?’ God uses all kinds of willing people. He doesn’t call perfect people to lead but those willing and ready to answer His call. Besides, we have coaches who will walk besides you and assist you in any way.
7. What if my house isn’t big enough?
It’s always about the gathering of people, never the place. You can always start as a smaller group if space is an issue or, with the help from the coaches, we can be creative and create a schedule of houses to meet at or find locations to meet. Example: Coffee Shops, parks, restaurants, club houses. But honestly, most people don't care about the space as much as they want and need to experience something with people. (Think concert venue crowds)